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In the BAUR Media center you will find relevant documents for the press, logo files and images, as well as the complete BAUR literature (brochures, manuals, etc.) for viewing and for download.
If you are looking for material for an article on testing and measurement technology, please contact our press contact person.
March 2024

Combination of methods for a more reliable cable condition assessment
Determining the remaining life time of medium-voltage cables
To ensure that distribution network operators can use cables for as long as possible without jeopardising the security of supply, they need to have a good idea of their condition. Many operating companies already use partial discharge measurement to detect weak points and prevent failures. Dissipation factor measurement is used less frequently. However, it is precisely this method that provides reliable data for determining the ageing condition of a cable and its remaining life time. Only the application of both diagnostics procedures provides the necessary information for asset management. The dissipation factor and partial discharge measurement can even be carried out in one measurement cycle and optionally combined with a cable test.
November 2023

Spot check for partial discharges in a matter of minutes
Online partial discharge testing without interrupting operation
Distribution network operators use partial discharge testing to determine the condition of their cable routes and to detect hidden faults at an early stage. As this measurement typically requires the route to be switched off (at least for a short time), network operators usually only employ this method on part of their cables.
October 2023

VDS-C enables fast online checks on medium-voltage cables
Identifying partial discharges during operation
With its VDS-C VDS PD coupler, BAUR GmbH (Sulz/Austria) now offers an additional, innovative connection accessory for the liona online partial discharge measuring device – something that has been on the wish list of many distribution network operators for a long while. This is because the VDS-C makes it possible to identify partial discharges on medium-voltage cables or their accessories without having to switch off the cable route.
September 2023

Simple and safe:
The IRG 400 time domain reflectometer
The new IRG 400 from BAUR is a user-friendly time domain reflectometer for cable fault pre-location. When combined with a surge voltage generator, it can be used for fault location on all cables and power cables. With three measurement inputs, the IRG 400 enables 3-phase measurement on de-energised lines. It also has an integrated CAT IV/600 V filter and can therefore be used on live cables up to 400 V – with appropriately certified test leads. There are additional ports so that all HV pre-location methods can be used.
August 2023

Rely on internationally recognised and comparable calibrations
BAUR GmbH calibration laboratory accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025
A milestone for the BAUR calibration laboratory: on 17 May 2023, BAUR GmbH received accreditation from the national accreditation body of Austria for electrical high voltage, voltage, and electrical current. This makes BAUR the 40th accredited calibration laboratory in Austria (ID 0640). BAUR is now able to provide its customers with accredited and internationally recognised calibrations in the areas of (high) voltage and current.
August 2022

Cable fault pin-pointing and tracing:
faster and accurate with the new AFP audio frequency probe
Where's the cable? Where exactly is the fault? Measurement engineers now get a much faster and satisfactory answer to both of these questions as BAUR has now added the AFP audio frequency probe to the protrac® system to provide valuable functions for cable fault pin-pointing and tracing with audio frequency.
December 2021

Remaining life time of medium-voltage cables
New possibilities for advanced dissipation factor diagnostics
Many outdated, contradictory, or incorrect perceptions about dissipation factor diagnostics and the associated condition analysis of medium-voltage cables prevail.
September 2021

Portable Long Range TDR type IRG 4000 portable time domain reflectometer with wireless remote control
Fast and (even more) reliable: Cable fault location in a case
With the IRG 4000 portable, BAUR GmbH is offering its tried-and-tested time domain reflectometer as a portable variant in a dust-proof, shock-proof and weather resistant wheeled case. This set now gives operators the choice between using their time domain reflectometer with or without the test van, as the case contains everything necessary for rapid cable fault location. In addition to the device itself, the case has compartments for cables and accessories, and a laptop with the BAUR Software 4 installed. This software is intuitive to operate and supports even less experienced operators when trying to pinpoint faults. An optionally available HV connection set makes it possible to conduct work on HV cable terminations up to 10 metres high.
Februar 2021

The new titron® cable test van:
Mobile workspace creating knowledge on the go
Higher network availability, better quality and optimised equipment utilisation – that’s what the new titron® cable test van from BAUR has to offer operators of medium-voltage networks. Because the test van’s technology not only facilitates targeted cable fault location that saves you time, it also supports cable testing and provides functions for quick and simple cable diagnostics. All this furnishes network operators and service providers with extensive knowledge about the condition of cables and gives them an edge in troubleshooting and fault prevention.
October 2020

Online partial discharge testing optimised:
Additional areas of application for BAUR’s liona and iPD devices
BAUR GmbH has improved its liona and iPD devices for online partial discharge testing on medium-voltage cables. The devices allow distribution network operators to examine important cables during operation, e.g., for damage to the insulation or defective joints, without the cables having to be de-energised first.
September 2020

Fault location on long power cables
Findings and experience concerning the use of submarine cables for long land connections
In a few years’ time, high-voltage cables hundreds of kilometres long and extending from one end of Germany to another will become part of the country’s critical infrastructure. Maximising the availability of these cables is crucial, so any faults need to be located swiftly and reliably and the cables repaired with minimum delay. This goes beyond the capability of conventional fault location technology but, fortunately, special solutions are available for extra-long cables based on technology partly derived from a field in which long cables are commonplace: submarine cables.
August 2020

Predictive maintenance of medium-voltage networks:
Using in-house specifications to improve cable diagnostics
Knowledge about the cable condition is essential for achieving target-oriented and cost-effective maintenance and replacement of medium-voltage cables. Cable diagnostics helps provide reliable information about the status of medium-voltage cables and accessories. So that network operators are able to perform diagnostics more quickly and in accordance with their own specifications, Baur GmbH developed the Baur Software 4. With the current release, the operator can define individual standards for the measurements and tests, specify evaluation criteria, and generate consistent reports. This ensures maximum comparability of the results.
December 2019

Diagnostic measurements and statistical analysis:
Reliably predict the remaining life time of medium-voltage cables
With a consistent workflow from cable diagnostics through to evaluation, Baur GmbH provides asset managers with a solution for diagnosing the condition of medium-voltage cables. Statistical estimation of the cable lifetime now completes the package. Valuable knowledge regarding the remaining useful life enables investment in replacement cables to be planned more precisely and their implementation to be postponed for several years in many cases.
June 2019

home of diagnostics
BAUR GmbH (Sulz/Austria) has introduced a coherent range of innovations and refinements that enhance its company profile, allowing it to position itself on the world market as a specialist in reliable diagnostics that are gentle on your cables. BAUR now offers a range of products extending from measurement technology to analysis software, giving operators of medium-voltage networks all the tools they need to make optimal decisions when balancing the conflicting goals of network availability and cost efficiency.
June 2019

Reliable estimation:
statistical remaining cable life time with statex®
If you want to keep your medium-voltage cables in service for as long as possible without jeopardising security of supply, statex® from BAUR is the planning tool you need. The new analysis software evaluates the data from the dissipation factor measurement (tan δ measurement) and uses a patented algorithm to calculate the statistical remaining cable life time.
February 2019

New BAUR Software 4:
Simplifies condition-based maintenance
The new BAUR Software 4 combines functions for cable testing and diagnostics that support both asset managers and engineers in their everyday duties on site. It is suitable for cable testing (VLF truesinus, VLF square wave and DC voltage), cable sheath testing and diagnostics using the dissipation factor or partial discharge testing. The comprehensive measurement methods and new features of the BAUR Software 4 allow you to further optimise the condition-based maintenance of cable networks.
September 2018

Measure partial discharges more precisely:
Portable BAUR diagnostic systems PD-TaD 62 and PD-TaD 80
With the introduction of the new portable PD-TaD 62 and PD-TaD 80 PD diagnostics systems, BAUR has expanded its range and application benefits whilst also achieving higher precision.
March 2018

Locate cable faults faster:
BAUR protrac®
With the completely new multifunctional “protrac®” concept, BAUR GmbH introduces a modern solution for the precise pin-pointing of cable and cable sheath faults. Faults can be pin-pointed significantly more rapidly with protrac® than with conventional systems.
If you are looking for content for an article in the area of test and measurement technology, please feel free to contact our press contact at any time.
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Product brochure
Cable fault location
Cable testing and cable diagnostics
Cable test vans and systems
Insulating oil testing
Cable testing and diagnostics for wind
power and photovoltaic installations
Cable fault location expertise
for land and submarine cables
Cable testing and cable diagnostics

Statistical approach to condition assessment and estimation of remaining life of medium voltage cables (Part 3)
The comprehensive understanding of the remaining life time of medium voltage cables was the key motivation for extensive cable diagnostics performed by the Korean Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). Since 2011 more than 15,000 cable routes were diagnosed to assess the cable condition. A unique algorithm and evaluation logic was developed for accurate estimation of the remaining life time of XLPE power cables. The approach was evaluated over the past two years leading to appropriate assessment results. A study on the applicability of this methodology on other utilities network is shown in this study.
Cable testing and cable diagnostics

Statistical approach to condition assessment and estimation of remaining life of medium voltage cables (Part 2)
This study addresses one of the most important questions for operators of underground distribution networks. How can the remaining life of underground power cables be estimated? The answer to this question is explained using a new approach from KEPCO Korea.
Cable testing and cable diagnostics

Statistical approach to condition assessment and estimation of remaining life of medium voltage cables (Part 1)
This paper describes a new approach to statistically estimate the remaining lifetime of power cables, which allows underground cables to be operated up to the operational limit.
Cable testing and cable diagnostics

More confidence in medium voltage cable diagnostics - assessment logic and strategic approach (english)
Cable diagnostics based on VLF TanDelta and VLF Partial Discharge measurement is most beneficial, when clear application procedures for new installations, for maintenance test after repair and for regular inspection [Figure 1] are defined and evaluated in network tailored evaluation logics using clear action plans. The remaining lifetime estimation is the latest software invention and allows investment planning for asset managers. Huge saving potentials are realistic when the underground medium voltage cables can be operated to the optimum lifetime, while the reliability of the network is increased at the same time.
Cable fault location

Fault Location on Long Submarine Power Cables
The paper summarizes the main fault location techniques that can be used for cable fault location in long submarine cables depending on the various types of faults. It is shown that advanced instruments, detecting techniques and skilled crew are required in order that the detection can be effective in the various cable fault conditions. Measurements performed in field shows that a fault location system especially designed for very long cables can detect faults with a good error accuracy helping in this way to reduce the outage time for repair activities. The hazards for operators and instruments connected to the huge amount of electrical energy that may be stored in very long links are also tackled in the paper (source: © CIGRE 2014).
Cable testing and cable diagnostics

Combined Application of Diagnostics Tools for MV Underground Cables
This paper presents the advantages of the application of the combination of offline and online diagnostic tools for underground medium voltage cables. Partial Discharge (PD) online measurement is a useful tool to identify PD activities without the shutdown of a cable circuit. Advantages and challenges of PD online diagnostics combined with the advantages and strengths of offline VLF tan delta and VLF PD measurement are demonstrated by practical case studies. The combination of advanced diagnostic tools allows asset owners to implement condition based maintenance measures most cost and time efficient.
Cable testing and cable diagnostics

VLF sine 0.1 Hz – Universal voltage source for testing and diagnostics of medium-voltage cables
The use of a VLF sine voltage source opens up the possibility of a single person performing cable testing and diagnostics of a cable route and with portable equipment. In scientific studies and in the field, the VLF sine showed that it is a suitable voltage source for cable testing, PD and tan delta measurement and that the achieved measurement results can be compared with results of tests performed at operating frequency. In addition, the ideal, load-independent sine form proved to be of benefit when it pertains to the reproducibility of results and when load-independence is desired (independence from measurement of cable lengths). Thus, comparisons of measurement results can be performed easily and more experience on condition evaluation of cable routes can continue to be acquired.
Cable fault location

New Enhancements for Cable Fault Location
Even with ever improving cable technology and broadly adopted diagnostics tools, classic cable fault location applications remain a daily challenge for distribution grid operators. A benchmark study shows that operators face about 8 MV-faults per 1000 km line length every year. New enhancements focus on supporting users and organisations of powerful test equipment better. This means support not only for the specific measuring task but support a long the complete job from assignment to repair and final report. A practical case from winter cable fault location in the swiss alps illustrates the practical challenges.
Insulating oil testing

Transequipos, Colombia
Accredited oil testing with the BAUR DTL C oil tester
For laboratories and network operators around the globe, the outstanding feature of oil testers from enowned company BAUR is their reliability. An excellent example of this is provided by the highly regarded Colombian testing laboratory Transequipos, which specialises in carrying out dielectric oil analyses. Their accreditation by ONAC and IDEAM means that the precision and quality of the results are of vital importance.

Transequipos, Colombian testing laboratory
BAUR solution:
Dielectric oil analysis with the BAUR DTL C
Cable testing and cable diagnostics

VDS-C enables fast online checks on medium-voltage cables
One of the first operators of the VDS-C is Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH, MITNETZ STROM, which had the use of a prototype of the new liona accessory. MITNETZ STROM operates a distribution network of around 15,000 kilometres of medium-voltage cables, of which more than a third has already been in use for more than 30 years. In order to ensure maximum availability, the network operator carries out approx. 1,000 cable diagnostics and PD commissioning measurements per year.

MITNETZ STROM, the largest regional distribution network operator in eastern Germany (with a network covering 74,000 km), is responsible for the planning, operation, and marketing of the power network.
BAUR solution:
With the new liona VDS-C VDS PD coupler, MITNETZ STROM can perform a spot test on routes within a few minutes and only needs to perform an offline measurement on cables if the results are positive.
Cable test vans and systems

Services Industriels Genève
Network operator in Geneva uses electric van for cable diagnostics
Since the summer of 2021, Services Industriels de Genève (SIG) in Geneva, Switzerland, has been using a BAUR cable test and diagnostics van to better maintain the distribution network. This is a sustainable solution because, not only is the test van an environmentally-friendly electric vehicle, it also helps keep the existing cable routes in operation longer, saving materials and expensive construction work.

Service Industriels Genève; responsible for the electricity, natural gas, water, fibre optic, and heating/cooling network of Geneva
BAUR solution:
First diagnostics system in an e-vehicle resulting in massive cost reductions for network operator SIG.
Cable fault location

Fault finding in the interior of a mountain:
Cable fault location in the pump-fed power station
Robert L’Eplattenier, test engineer and CEO of Gasenzer AG, often travels “in the field” and is even more often in the Swiss mountains.
Gasenzer AG, based in Hinwil in Switzerland, specialises in measurement technology and measurement services relating to fault location, testing and condition evaluation of cable systems. The company, which has been operat-ing as a joint stock company (AG) since 1991, has more than half a century of experience. In 1961, electrical engineer Hans Gasenzer established a private company that focused on cable tests and on selling specialist measuring devices. Gasenzer established a close relationship with BAUR right from the beginning and is the exclusive trade partner for BAUR devices in Switzerland.
BAUR solution:
High-resistive faults are made visible with the SIM / MIM method (Secondary Impulse Method / Multiple Impulse Method). Here, the high-resistive fault is „ignited“ by a high voltage impulse and thus is temporarily low-resistive. This helps determine the distance to the fault. This is evaluated and displayed by the device software, e.g. by the Syscompact 2000 or Syscompact 3000 software. The SIM and MIM methods have proven to be particularly advantageous because they help pre-locate faults in up to 98 % of all cases.
Cable testing

UIntegrity certified:
VLF testing on the electricity cable of a dredger
The objective of Gasenzer AG from Hinwil while checking an undersea cable in Lake Lucerne in Switzerland was to prevent any potential consequential damage. A transformer in the substation had exploded. It was assumed this had been caused by a damaged cable, as the undersea cable connected to the transformer supplied a dredger and was wound and unwound according to the position of the dredger. The Gasenzer AG engineer first used the measurement technology of the BAUR cable test van to test the cable insulation before carrying out an echometric analysis. Neither showed any signs of a cable fault. Then a subsequent test conducted using the BAUR viola testing device.
Gasenzer AG, based in Hinwil in Switzerland, specialises in measurement technology and measurement services relating to fault location, testing and condition evaluation of cable systems. The company, which has been operat-ing as a joint stock company (AG) since 1991, has more than half a century of experience. In 1961, electrical engineer Hans Gasenzer established a private company that focused on cable tests and on selling specialist measuring devices. Gasenzer established a close relationship with BAUR right from the beginning and is the exclusive trade partner for BAUR devices in Switzerland.
BAUR Solution:
The viola testing and diagnostics unit installed in the cable test van in particular was used for the measurements described in the adjacent section.
Cable fault location

Mecca Royal Clock Tower Hotel, Saudi Arabia
Rectifying cable faults quickly with the IRG 3000 and SSG 1100
In February 2013, a fault occurred in a three-core 13.8 kV medium-voltage cable in the approximately 600-metre high Mecca Royal Clock Tower Hotel. It was up to the engineers from Advanced Vision in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) to find and rectify the fault as quickly as possible. They used a BAUR cable test van to locate the fault.
Advanced Vision Testing & Commissioning, Jeddah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), is active throughout the gulf region. It is a division of Advanced Vision Co., operating under the Constructions Products Holding Company (CPC), specialized on projects with multi-million electro and mechanical installations. The company installs, tests and commissions power plants, MV network from cabling to switch gear, ring main units, power transformers, chillers, and MV/LV soft starters as well as all LV networks such as distribution boards, capacitor banks, active harmonic filters, cross bar switches and DC systems. Load flow analysis study for power system is available.
BAUR solution:
In this example, the fault was located using a cable test van (image). The preliminary location of the cable fault was identified using the IRG 3000 time domain reflectometer and pin-pointed with the SSG 1100 surge voltage generator in conjunction with an acoustic location method (description overleaf). This pinpointing was achieved using the UL 30 audio frequency receiver and
BM 30 ground microphone on site.
"45,000 Volts of Dedicated Enthusiasm"
by Valentine Baur, Martin Baur, Johannes Angerer
Published by Brandstätter Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-85033-780-9
"45.000 Volt Begeisterung"
by Valentine Baur, Martin Baur, Johannes Angerer
Published by Brandstätter Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-85033-667-3