
Exclusive by BAUR UK

Live LV Cable identification with BUKCI-3

Live cable identification: BUKCI-3  | BAUR UK

TDR 811P

Cable fault location with TDR 811P

Cable fault location: TDR 811P  | BAUR UK

Cable fault location with TRG 10/6A

Cable fault loaction: TRG10/6A | BAUR UK

Padded protective carry bag for frida & shirla

Bag for shirla | BAUR UK

BAUR testing and measurment technology: All products

Cable testing and Diagnostic | BAUR GmbH

Cable testing and diagnostics

Cable fault location | BAUR GmbH

Cable fault location


Cable test vans and systems


Insulating oil testing | BAUR GmbH

Insulating oil testing


Get in touch with BAUR UK

BAUR Test Equipment Ltd.

Unit 19, Pelham Court

Pelham Place


West Sussex

RH11 9SH