Cable testing and cable diagnostics

Underground cables – the lifelines of our civilization.

In today’s world, we face new challenges in the form of globalisation, digitalisation, and climate change. All these factors influence our security of supply. For example, the energy transition has put a greater focus on renewable sources of energy. As the backbone of distributed power supply, medium-voltage networks are becoming extremely important. For it is indeed here that a growing number of energy producers will be connected in future, along with large wind parks, photovoltaic free-standing systems, and biogas plants.

When expanding and maintaining your network, it is important for you to ensure reliable operation on a continuous basis. But how can you guarantee security of supply? And do it cost-effectively? With BAUR you have an expert partner by your side, enabling you to prevent damage and plan maintenance costs precisely. We are dependent on functioning networks – with BAUR you can ensure that power keeps flowing!

Applications: Cable fault location and diagnostics | BAUR GmbH

BAUR cable testing and diagnostics: The advantages for you


Plan investments more effectively

With cable diagnostics, you will solve the problem of providing maximum network availability whilst keeping maintenance and repair costs to a minimum. That's because our diagnostics systems enable you to perform condition-based and therefore cost-optimised maintenance.


Reduce repair costs

Our precise analyses of the cable condition make it possible for you to carry out expensive modification and maintenance measures only where they are really necessary. Preventive measures or exchanging unnecessarily long cable routes are now all in the past.


Quality control on new systems

Today, diagnostics procedures are increasingly being used - even on new cable sections - to evaluate the quality of a joint assembly, for example. This can prevent costly complaints or subsequent damage.

Measurement and testing expertise: All from a single source

Applications: Norms | BAUR GmbH

Measuring technique: Dissipation factor and partial discharge measurement

Whether dissipation factor or partial discharge measurement - both diagnostics methods have their advantages. However, individually, neither of them can detect all weak points. For this reason, it is worthwhile combining both procedures - whether carried out subsequently or together in one procedure.

Applications: Dissipation factor measurement | BAUR GmbH
Applications: Partial discharge measurement | BAUR GmbH
Applications: Diagnostics procedures appropriately combined | BAUR GmbH
Applications: Cable check whilst live: Online PD testing | BAUR GmbH

BAUR's solution expertise in measurement & testing technology: