80 years of BAUR

Welcome to the anniversary year

BAUR turns 80 this year. We would like to take you on a little journey through time, exploring the history of our family business. We will show you how it all began and point out the milestones that have shaped our journey to become the international brand we are today. Join us as we delve into the second half of the 20th century and the exciting time around the turn of the millennium!


We look forward to continuing our partnership with you in the years to come, providing you with innovative solutions and achieving further success together. We already have several product developments lined up for 2025. We are very much looking forward to sharing these, and it just remains for us to say:


Cheers to 80 Years of Flow!

80 years of success

80 years - and always up to date

80 years of concentrated knowledge

80 years, countless career opportunities


80 years of success

IRG 400 portable: Efficient fault location made easy
In 2023, BAUR takes cable fault location to a new level with the BAUR BUI-F app and the IRG 400 portable impulse reflection measuring device. The portable measuring device enables precise and fast pre-localisation on single-phase and three-phase cables. Thanks to intuitive operation via tablet and wireless connection, it is safe and convenient to use - even in demanding environments. The robust, weatherproof design and practical carrying case make the device the perfect tool for on-the-go use.

In May 2023, the BAUR GmbH calibration laboratory is accredited by the Austrian National Accreditation Body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Thanks to the ILAC MRA (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement), BAUR calibration certificates are now recognised worldwide. From now on, BAUR is one of the few accredited calibration laboratories in Austria and offers precise and internationally recognised calibrations in the fields of high voltage, voltage, power and resistance. The accreditation confirms the competence, independence and efficiency of the laboratory and includes the calibration of high-voltage measuring systems and oil testers. We can even calibrate devices from other manufacturers.

liona VDS C: Patented technology for advanced partial discharge measurement

With the patented VDS PD coupler, our company sets new standards in partial discharge measurement on cables. Since 2023, this has enabled to reliably detect partial discharges - without having to de-energise the cables. Thanks to phase-synchronised measurement, the technology delivers precise results, even with challenging cable types such as belt cables. Uncomplicated quick tests save time and enable targeted planning of comprehensive cable diagnostics.


80 years - and always up to date

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80 years of concentrated knowledge


80 years, countless career opportunities

Would you like to be part of a successful team with contacts all over the world? Whether it's administration, development, production or sales: you'll find what you're looking for with us.

Karriere: Offene Stellen Entwicklung | BAUR GmbH


Karriere: Offene Stellen Verwaltung | BAUR GmbH


Karriere: Offene Stellen Vertrieb | BAUR GmbH

Sales & Marketing

Karriere: Offene Stellen Fertigung | BAUR GmbH





Ich freue mich auf meinen heutigen sog. "Schnupper-Tag".
Vor allem möchte ich Ihnen herzlich zu Ihrem runden Jubiläum gratulieren. 







Happy Birthday, BAUR! I hope your day is as awesome as your company! I'd love to be part of your team—let's make great things happen together! Looking forward to meeting you soon!







Herzlichen Glüchwunsch von einem ehemaligen SebaDynatronik Mitarbeiter der ersten Stunde 1973







Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Firmenjubiläum! Es ist eine wahre Freude zu sehen, wie der verdiente Erfolg und Respekt erhalten bleibt und von Jahr zu Jahr wächst. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag und so viele Projekte wie möglich!




We are constantly expanding this page in our anniversary year.


It's worth coming back again.