SSG 1500

Surge voltage generator

Data sheet

Product enquiry

Product overview


IRG 400 / IRG 400 portable

IRG 400 / IRG 400 portable

Time domain reflectometer / echometer

IRG 4000 portable

IRG 4000 portable

Portable time domain
reflectometer (TDR)
for cable lengths up to 1000 km



cable fault location and
tracing system

Syscompact 400

Syscompact 400

Cable fault location system for cable fault pre-location and pin-pointing

Syscompact 400 portable

Syscompact 400 portable

Portable cable fault location system for cable fault pre-location and pin-pointing

Syscompact 4000

Syscompact 4000

Cable fault location system
with IRG 4000
time domain reflectometer

transcable 4000/A 80-3

transcable 4000/A 80-3

Cable test van:
3-phase, automatic,
80 kV

transcable 4000/S 70-3

transcable 4000/S 70-3

Cable test van:
3-phase, semi-automatic,
70 kV